Podcast #41 A parent-advocate getting well versed in the law to make dyslexic son’s childhood as normal as possible
Sep 05, 2022
She and her husband knew something big was going on when one night she saw her son start to beat his head on the kitchen counter screaming he was stupid. Listen to a parent-advocate from Dyslexia Houston talks about how she constantly advocates for her dyslexic son’s rights at school.
listen to the podcast now.
Links you might like to check out:
The Dyslexia Initiative Website: www.TheDyslexiaInitiative.org
Ashley’s Blog: https://amomsjourney-mydyslexiclife.com/
Dyslexia Houston Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/DyslexicHouston/
Linda Mood Bell Website: https://lindamoodbell.com/
Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates: https://www.copaa.org/
American’s Disability Act: https://adata.org/learn-about-ada
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA):
Bulletmap Academy Page: https://bulletmapacademy.com
BulletMap Academy Blogs: https://bulletmapacademy.com/blogs/
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