Podcast #125 Hypercreative: What it’s like and how to make the most of it. Karen Daniels
Oct 04, 2022
Do you constantly receive ideas and inspiration from various sources? Do you start countless hobbies or artistic pursuits with crazy ideas on a whim? You might be hypercreative.
I had a fascinating conversation with Karen Daniels about hypercreativity. Karen has a Masters's degree in Education Psychology. She has also written 9 books of both fiction and non-fiction. She does content writing and ghostwriting for all sorts of people. She also teaches Martial Arts apart from being a full-time mum.
In the episode, Karen talked about the difference between hypercreativity and creativity, her being a writer and her journey through her creative path. She also shared the limit of creativity and how to make the most out of it.
Links you might want to check:
Website: https://karendaniels.com/
Books: https://kdbooksandpublishing.com/
Email: [email protected]
Hypercreative manifesto: https://karendaniels.com/hypercreativity-manifesto/
Dyslexia Quiz: https://bulletmapacademy.com/dyslexia-quiz/
Bulletmap Academy Page: https://bulletmapacademy.com
Show notes: https://bulletmapacademy.com/blog/125/
Interested in being a guest? Email us at [email protected]
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